Leave a Review
We want to hear about your experience with our firm
Thank you for choosing Fried Goldberg LLC! Please take a moment to review your experience with us for others who are seeking legal representation. Online reviews are often the first place people look when searching for a lawyer. Sharing some thoughts about your experience can provide important information that can help them make a decision.
Your review also helps us improve our services, so please be honest. We welcome your feedback.
You can leave a review by using one of these links:

Tips for writing a review
It is best to avoid sharing specifics such as names or the recovery amount.
It can be helpful to share the type of case you had, what area you are from and why you are satisfied with your experience. Others in need may find this information helpful and even comforting to know they are not alone.
Several of our clients have shared how their lives have changed following the recovery and their appreciation of our communication, availability and our support team’s abilities and friendliness.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: What if I don’t have a Yelp or Facebook Account?
A: Creating an account is easy and free. Simply create a username and password and you can leave a review.
Q: Can I leave multiple reviews?
A: Yes please! If you have access to the accounts, you may write reviews for Google, Avvo, Yahoo!, and any others if you wish!
Q: Is my personal information displayed?
A: No. Most sites only post the first name of those submitting reviews. And we encourage you to not give specific details of your case. You may state if it was a truck accident, personal injury, or other type of case, and how you feel you were represented, and if you were satisfied with the outcome.
Q: Can anyone write a review?
A: Yes, you may. We encourage feedback from our individual clients, as well as friends and family who have worked in some way with our firm.
Q: Can I leave the firm a testimonial in another way?
A: Absolutely, if you would like to write us a testimonial we may place on the website, we would be very grateful.