Request a Copy of Understanding Motor Carrier Claims
Written for attorneys who want to know more about trucking litigation

At Fried Goldberg LLC, we have taken our extensive experience and knowledge of truck accident law and created Understanding Motor Carrier Claims, 7th Edition. Our main goal in publishing this guide is to provide an in-depth analysis of the complexities of motor carrier law so that other practitioners can understand the basics of truck accident claims.
The biggest mistake a lawyer can make is treating a trucking case like a typical automobile accident. We hope that our guide will provide the reader with insight into the multitude of issues presented by a commercial vehicle case.
In the seventh edition, we have placed QR codes within the book that you can scan with your smartphone. The code will access a video that explains the particular section of the book to the reader. These videos give practical insights from our attorneys on each area of commercial vehicle law.
If you have any questions about trucking and commercial vehicle law, please do not hesitate to call us or send us an e-mail.
To request your copy, please confirm your attorney status below. A complimentary copy is available to Plaintiff’s attorneys.
Reader Reviews
What your lawyer needs to know if you get hit by an 18 wheeler and live to call one.

You read this, fear, anxiety and paranoia will set in everytime you pull alongside an 18-wheeler…until you’ve passed him…While most truckers are no doubt safe drivers, you may start to wonder, “What’s he been drinking, smoking…how much sleep has he had, when was his last break, last tire change, breaks adjusted, fight with his wife?
Written for lawyers, by couple of the smartest plaintiff lawyers in the land who crusade for the dead, maimed and injured, and try to keep the rest of us from becoming casualties of America’s Highway Wars, where often hard-working truck drivers feel pressured to cut corners like sleep, to make delivery deadlines and make a living.
Better than a quad cappuccino to keep your eyes wide open and vigilant every time you get sandwiched behind these high speed behemoths. What can go wrong? Anything and everything. A primer for lawyers fighting for victims, defending highways from dangerous truckers, one tragic crash at a time.
“I keep a copy of their book Understanding Motor Carrier Claims on my desk and it has transformed the way my law office approaches and litigates trucking cases. Highly recommended experts.” – LOU SCHOENIKE