Fried Goldberg Litigation Skills Clinic

Seminar for plaintiff’s attorneys

Fried Goldberg Attorney at Trial Skills Clinic

The Fried Goldberg Litigation Skills Clinic is designed for less experienced lawyers and provides a step-by-step guide on all aspects of pre-litigation cases. It teaches lawyers and paralegals how to handle personal injury cases from the signup of the case through preparing for trial.

Because we want to focus this seminar on helping less experienced lawyers, and their paralegals, we are requiring that attendees, both in-person and by live stream, certify that they are plaintiff’s attorney with 7 years or less experience handling plaintiff’s personal injury cases. If you do not think that you meet that criteria but still want to attend, please contact, and we will see if we can make an exception for you. 

Each session is approved for 2 hours of CLE credit, and you can sign up for one session or multiple sessions. There is no cost to attend the CLE in person or view by live stream. However, Fried Goldberg LLC will apply for and cover the cost of Georgia CLE credits only for those who attend in person. Those who will attend via livestream will receive a certificate of attendance for your records or to apply for in-state CLE credit yourself or apply for out-of-state CLE credit.

In-person attendance is limited to 75 people. 

After each session we will have a Happy Hour at Mission+Market restaurant in our building.

The dates for the session of the 2024 Litigation Skills Clinic are below. Registration opens Wednesday, May 29.

FIRST SESSION, August 15, 2024

2:00-3:00 PM Avoiding Legal Malpractice & Understanding Conflicts Between Potential Clients: Michael Goldberg

3:00-3:30 PM What is a Good Auto Case and a Good Slip and Fall Case: Choose Wisely: Adam Smith

3:30-4:00 PM Things to Do in the First 30 Days of the Case: Briant Mildenhall  

Approved for 2 CLE Hours (Including 1 Ethics CLE Hour)

SECOND SESSION, September 19, 2024

2:00-2:30 PM Demand Packages & New Policy Limits Demand Requirements: Briant Mildenhall

2:30-3:00 PM Red Flags to Look for and Deal With in Medical Records: Brad Thomas 

3:00-3:30 PM Drafting & Filing the Complaint and Understanding E-filing: Briant Mildenhall and Brianne Kunkel  

3:30-4:00 PM Everything You Need to Know About Discovery: Drew Timmons 

Approved for 2 CLE Hours (including 1 Trial CLE Hour)

THIRD SESSION, October 17, 2024

2:00-2:30 PM How Do I Know the Value of My Case: Michael Goldberg 

2:30-3:00 PM What Drives the Settlement Value of Cases: Michael Goldberg  

3:00-3:30 PM Looking at the Big Picture in Planning Your Case: Joe Fried 

3:30-4:00 PM Mediation and Settlement Strategies: Joe Fried  

Approved for 2 CLE Hours

FOURTH SESSION, November 7, 2024

2:00-2:30 PM Preparing for and Taking Defendant Depositions: Adam Smith 

2:30-3:00 PM Preparing for and Taking Medical Depositions: Dan Kingsley 

3:00-3:30 PM Responding to Motions for Summary Judgment: Nathan Gaffney

3:30-4:00 PM Certificate of Immediate Review & Appellate Issues You Need to Know: Nathan Gaffney

Approved for 2 Trial CLE Hours

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