Covenant Logistics Truck Accidents

Our lawyers can fight for your rights if you’ve been injured

Trucks operated by Covenant Logistics carry a wide range of cargo on U.S. roads every day. Large commercial trucks are a common sight on highways and city streets. But it only takes one act of negligence to cause a truck accident that leave people seriously hurt or even killed. It takes experienced legal representation to hold negligent parties accountable.

The experienced truck accident attorneys at Fried Goldberg LLC understand the impact a crash can have on victims and their families. There are physical, emotional, and financial effects. But recovering financial compensation is difficult and insurance companies will try to minimize compensation. Our firm helps the injured fight back.

For live statistics on the number of accidents and injuries associated with Covenant Transportation trucks, see the interactive map on our Safety Statistics page.

Company snapshot

Covenant Logistics was founded in 1986 by David and Jacqueline Parker and began with 25 trucks and 50 trailers. Today, it delivers cargo throughout the United States with more than 3,000 trucks and 7,000 trailers.

What to do after an accident with a Covenant Logistics truck

Here are some steps you can take:

  • Call the police – Members of law enforcement will make sure everyone is safe. They will also conduct an investigation at the scene. Their initial findings and other important facts will be available in the official accident report.
  • Seek medical attention – Do this even if you seem to feel fine. Some injuries have delayed symptoms and you could be putting your health at risk by refusing an examination. Allow EMTs to examine you or go to the ER.
  • Document the accident – Take photos of the accident from different angles and distances. Also get some shots of road conditions and nearby landmarks.
  • Get some information – Ask the truck driver for their name, contact information, and their employer. Don’t talk about who was at fault. Also get names and contact information for any witnesses.
  • Get legal advice – Whether or not you decide to take legal action, it’s important to understand your rights.

Soon after the accident, you may be contacted a representative of Covenant Logistics or their insurance company. Don’t answer any questions or agree to give a statement. Talk to a lawyer first.

Covenant Logistics Accidents FAQ

How much can I recover in a case against Covenant Logistics?

It depends on many different factors. But in general, you can recover compensation for damages such as medical expenses related to your injuries, both now and in the future. These can include the cost of ambulance services, diagnostic tests, imaging tests, surgery, hospitalization, medication, physical therapy, home health care, and future medical treatment for your injuries. You can also seek compensation for lost wages if you couldn’t work, loss of future wages, and other damages such as pain and suffering.

One of our attorneys can determine the total damages you suffered and give you an idea of how much your case is worth. We are proud of the verdicts and settlements we’ve obtained for clients and will fight for maximum compensation in your case.

How can a truck accident lawyer help me?

Trucking litigation involving companies such as Covenant Logistics can be very complicated. Large trucking companies hire teams of attorneys to fight against claims and insurance companies are not on your side. One of our experienced attorneys can:

  • Advise you of your legal options for recovering compensation
  • Investigate your accident to gather evidence, talk to witnesses, and gain access to trucking company records
  • Consult accident reconstruction experts
  • Identify negligent parties
  • Determine your damages
  • Negotiate with the insurance company
  • Fight for your rights in court
  • Keep you informed about your case
  • Answer your questions

We’ll do the work to get the best outcome possible in your case so you can move forward. We want you to be able to focus on recovering from your injuries.

Talk to one of our experienced truck accident attorneys

If you’ve been involved in an accident involving Covenant Logistics, you may not be sure what to do next. You may not even know if you have a case. One of our attorneys can review the details of your accident and discuss your options. There’s no cost and no obligation. We just want you to have the information you need to decide what to do next.

We’re ready to help. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with one of our experienced truck accident lawyers.

How can I prove that there was negligence in a truck accident?

Our firm investigates truck accidents thoroughly to identify negligent parties. Our legal team carefully reviews accident reports and interviews witnesses. We examine visual and physical evidence from the scene. We take action to preserve evidence controlled by the trucking company. This includes hours of service (HOS) logs, maintenance records, employment records, and data from the truck’s electronic control module. If needed, we consult accident reconstruction experts and other specialists.

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What if the truck accident happened in a different state?

Covenant Logistics is based in Tennessee, but their trucks carry cargo throughout the United States. An accident can happen anywhere. That’s why it’s important to hire a law firm that has the experience and resources needed to deal with an accident involving a company from out-of-state. Our firm has handled truck accident cases across the country involving major trucking companies. We’re ready to help.

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How long do I have to file a lawsuit against Covenant Logistics?

Every state has a statute of limitations that sets a deadline for taking legal action after a truck accident. In Georgia, that deadline is two years from the date of the crash. But no matter where the accident happened, it’s important to get legal advice as soon as you can. It can take time to investigate an accident and build a strong case. And evidence can be lost or destroyed if you wait too long.

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Should I accept a settlement after a Covenant Logistics truck accident?

You may be contacted by an insurance company with a settlement offer not long after your accident. However, their offer will fall far short of covering all of the damages you suffered and may not take into account future medical expenses. That’s why it’s important to get legal advice before accepting any settlement offer. An experienced attorney can often negotiate a more favorable settlement.

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